Process-based, slow photography

Combining the time-consuming practice of pinhole photography with alternative, ecofriendly development processes, Claire Paul’s work hinges on translating a slowness which resonates with the natural world. By adopting methodologies which reflect the essence of the environment, Claire pursues a collaboration with nature whilst negating concern for the aesthetics of a technically rendered photograph and shedding light on a rawer, unconstructed image.

Constantly excited by the simplicity and purity of this age-old medium, Claire continues to experiment with different pinhole camera models as well as development processes. Her current interest lies in experimenting with “caffenol”, a coffee-based developer, which provides an eco-friendly, gradual alternative to mainstream photo developers.

The images below have been captured using photosensitive paper within a handmade pinhole camera, with exposure times ranging between 40 - 300 seconds depending on the amount of light available at each site. Each photograph was then developed using caffenol before being fixed for 48 hours with salt water.